Make it yourself
Custom jewelry doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming - this Cats Paw knotted Donut Pendant can be completed in 30 minutes or less.
Acrylic paint pouring has become very popular but can be wasteful, here is a fun idea to recycle the paint runoff from your artwork
Costume jewelry often tarnishes over time, find out how you can remove tarnish from your favourite pieces
Jump rings are a core component of jewelry making, learning how and when to use them to make your project successful
When designing bracelets it is good to have an idea of the overall length you are aiming for before you start, here we have a handy guide to size your bracelets
Getting started with jewelry making can seem confusing, knowing what basic supplies are needed and what they are used for can help you get started
Create this classy ladder wrapped cuff bracelet
Create this stylish Josephine knot bracelet using materials from your local craft store